広島原爆の日:広島平和宣言(全文) – 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
We have the power.We
have the responsibility.And
we are the Obamajority.
Together,we can abolish
広島市長 秋葉忠利
Please read this in a non-Japanese speaking.
Day of Hiroshima atomic bomb: Hiroshima peaceful declaration (full text)
August 6, 2009
Suffering of the radiation victim who cannot tell all even if what word is used for 64 years after a human race extermination arms and an atomic bomb are dropped on the Hiroshima citizens continues still. Radiation..now..body..gnaw..(..gnaw..)..see..memory..yesterday..revive..(..read..food..continue..-.
Fortunately, the weight of the experience of being a atomic bomb victim is legally supported. A courageous judicial decision that catches the fact to which the influence of the atomic bomb on the human body has not been yet clarified in modesty is the good example. The Japanese national administration prefecture should enhance the covering plan that also includes also by “Black rain rainfall region” and an overseas radiation victim and suits the realities of the aging radiation victim, and lead the world as a standard-bearer of the abolition of nuclear weapon movement until 2020 to remove the wall of the ministry, and to achieve earnest wishes of radiation victims “No one should do such a desire” only now.
President Obama in the United States declared in Prague, there was “Morality responsibility” that made an effort for “Only country that used the nuclear weapon” and “World without nuclear weapons” achievement in April this year. The abolition of the nuclear weapon was not only a radiation victim but also the citizens of the large majority of the world, the voices in countries, and President Obama’s having listened to the voice made the location of “A significant nuclear weapon only to abolition” the firm one.
We have the responsibility of acting for the abolition of nuclear weapon in answer to it in support of President Obama. It is called that call us who is the majority in the world “[Obamajoritei;-]” to emphasize this respect, put ones’ efforts together, and achieve the abolition of the nuclear weapon by 2020 the world. The desire has been condensed to Constitution of Japan to which a worldwide evaluation rises more and more (More and more).
The joining city from all parts of the world dashes, and in “Hiroshima Nagasaki protocol” that materializes “2020 visions” at the peaceful mayor conference that exceeds 3000, it leaks ..the adoption.. ..(.. and one’s best ..) song.. dashes in next year’s NPT Review Conference. The plot after it adopts it assumes the negotiation beginning that aims at the nuclear weapon prohibition agreement conclusion until holding of the radiation exposure ground visit of the head in the immediate end of the nuclear weapon acquisition and disposition in the country in which North Korea etc. ..forcing the nuclear test.. and the nuclear power and the doubt countries, etc. and U.N. Special Session on Disarmament at the early stage and 2015 and all until 2020 abolition of nuclear weapons. In the general meeting of the peace mayor conference that will be held from tomorrow in Nagasaki City, a more detailed plan is settled on.
It is because of not coming to the accomplishment even of a minimum responsibility to the next generation if our generation doesn’t abolish the nuclear weapon 2020 year is important because the day when the nuclear weapon is abolished even by oneself with a lot of radiation victims is faced.
People who have a worldwide influence such as the international committees on global 0 and a nuclear nonproliferation and the nuclear disarmament that puts the abolition of nuclear weapon in view and starts the proactive action wish that I would like you to join the circle that aims at 2020 year, too.
The intentions of The Citizen of the World of the large majority of the prohibition of the antipersonnel land mine, liberating from poverty by Grameen Bank, and the prevention of Global warming, etc. are esteemed and the democracy of global that straightens out that problem by citizens’ power is germinating exactly now. To extend the bud, and to solve a bigger problem, (these citizens’ voices ..the mechanism reaching directly.. ..the creation.. is lucky to the United Nations) There is [ru] necessity. For instance, it is one idea to found the House of Representatives of the United Nations that consists of 100, populous city 100, and 200 cities in total in the city where a big tragedy to fight has been experienced up to now, and to make the present United Nations General Assembly the Senate.
It hits Peace Memorial Ceremony on the 64th radiation exposure anniversary, and we sincerely swear the sincerity of the sorrow in seeing [tama]) and ..spirit of the dead (.. ..[**] (.. swear here straining the power of the whole body (whole body) with the citizens of the majority in the world and countries for the world achievement without the nuclear weapon with [sasa] [)ge] and Nagasaki City about the atomic bomb victim.
Finally, it calls the world in English.
We have the power.We
have the responsibility.And
we are the Obamajority.
Together,we can abolish
nuclearweapons.Yes,we can.
August 6, 2009 (2009)
[Chuuri] Hiroshima mayor Tadatoshi Akiba
原爆症訴訟:原告全員救済へ最終調整 麻生首相6日発表
広島平和宣言:骨子発表 英語も使用し核兵器廃絶訴える
岡本太郎さん:壁画「明日の神話」の原画を特別展示 広島
YouTube – Hiroshima – Utopia